13 Nov 2006

The weathering of time

This is a picture that can tell a lot of stories. Those stones were already once rocks and stood proudly in the Montains, with time every one of them got detach and began its journey until they reached their final purpose: to lay down in some place and serve as decoration... Like us, everthing in the World has its journey...

Other than that is a good photo to use as Wallpaper... :)

Right Moment

This a very special picture for me, one of the few times I was able to capture the perfect moment... If there is a way to describe Nature, in my opinion, this is it.
The picture is of one flower which I don't know the name (sorry) and it was taken somewhere near Shichijo (Kyoto). Hope you enjoy.

Sakura`s Magic

Newlly arrived in Japan...We look so happy...A big kiss to all of you.

By favorite place

This is hoppefully the first of many posts in my newest blog...Since I really like to take pictures, I guess its because they became your memories reminders, what better way to it...I will start with a picture of my favorite place here in Kyoto, the Imperial Palace.

I cannot really explain why, but this place, among all the places I have been here in Kyoto is the "one", my favorite...I think it contains some magic a glimpse of perfection and ultimate harmony hidden on it. I could spend hours looking at it, and still enjoy it.

Hope you enjoy as well