31 Aug 2007

Big birds

One of the things of being on the other side of the world is that everytime I want get back to Portugal have to sustain around 10 to 12 hours inside a airplane! The first time I have to confess it was horrible, i didn't felt much sleepy and find what to do in this (seems like non-ending) period of time can be sometimes a big challenge! I don't feel like reading, get tired of watching the movies, specking with the neighbor in the next seat is not always an option, it can be very boring... All I can say, after enduring 5 trips like this, you get to used to it :) although everytime is a pain! Already tried 3 different airlines to do the Japan (Kansai) - Portugal (Lisbon) conection, and I have to admit the best is the last company with which I flew. The Dutch airline KLM has good points in everything, good food, frequent meals, good entertaiment with an interactive panel on your seat that allows to select from movies to tv series, documentaries and games, and somehow helps to spend time, and very kind treatment from the staff! grade 10

The other two Luftansa and Air France, if you can choose, between these 2, air france is without a dought the better one, with aceptable food, and interactive panel similar to the one in KLM. Have safe trip...

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