16 Sept 2009

Academic food chain pyramid

Last week I came across the academic food chain pyramid...

The society much like the in the animal kingdom behaves in food chains pyramids... Well we are animals after all! Sometimes, the law of strongest does not apply to humans though, it might have worked in the stone age, but not anymore...Nowadays the law of the smartest that holds power and influence rules the food chain pyramid in the society!!

The academic world is no exception; here as well the rule of power determines who gets to be on top and on the different levels in the complex food chain system... So moving along to my case...I’m a student, literally a nobody, so I would expect to be on the top bottom of the pyramid, the one that everybody seems to own... But guess what, it turns out there is someone even standing below me, the undergraduate students...Yes even in the student universe there is a marked hierarchy.

To sum it up, my supervisors are my predators like the lion chasing after its prey (that would be me) and I just became a predator for the students standing below me... Because I don’t like to see myself as predator I think I would be a vegetarian, maybe kinda like the Bambi!!

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